Steve Tunstall
Board Chair & Director, Compliance, Risk, Technology and Insurance, open to Board, AC, and Risk Committee positions

Board Chair & Director, Compliance, Risk, Technology and Insurance, open to Board, AC, and Risk Committee positions
Throughout my life I have supported environmental awareness
It gives me great pleasure to see the whole world finally waking up to the challenges facing our planet. Although I'm no Greta Thunburg I have been quietly trying to influence
It is with relief I watch these communities finally realising our long term destruction of the planet cannot continue. I am personally devastated by the fact that we have exterminated 69% of the wild animals of this planet since the 1970’s that’s only 50 years.
The legacy we leave for future generations is one of death and destruction beyond anything previously conceived of. I fear history will not look kindly on our generation. We will perhaps be known as the despised generation. We are the first generation to have science based evidence to confirm we are destroying the planet. Whilst we now understand the damage we are collectively doing to the world we still continue with the destruction, with little or no change to our behaviors.
Insurtech, insurance, risk management, futurist, compliance, strategic planning, business management, P&L responsibility, Asia, reputation risk, social media, legal, governance, change management, project management, negotiation, crisis management, business continuity
When we moved back to Singapore as a family in 2012 I was keen that we could make the most of public transport and facilities and continue my BMW no car lifestyle. We were lucky enough to find a unit located very close to MRT, LRT, Bus station, hospital, community centre and the local shopping centre. It’s been a great move for us as a family, and provides a lot of flexibility both to me and other family members who can easily move around Singapore as a result of this one choice.
As part of my need to give back to the community I signed up for and completed the Singapore Police Force “Citizens on Patrol” or COP course. It was great to get a refresher on my life saving and firefighting skills directly from the SCDF as well as the briefings and updates from the Neighbourhood Police Centre. As I spend so much of my time walking by the coast in the North of the island I have also been delighted to establish an informal relationship with the Police Coast Guard in that area too.
As part of my commitments locally I also joined the council of my MCST. It’s a lot of work and of course no financial reward, but it felt like the right thing to do to support my immediate neighbours and the community.
Held the post of CEO, Managing Director or equivalent in six companies in four countries. Global experience in over 100 countries.
Director and Chairman for several Insurance-Linked Security, Special Purpose Vehicles regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Director of a number of Captive Insurance Companies. Overseeing risk management, insurance and resilience services to complex conglomerates based from Asia. Services provided in both the financial and non-financial sectors for partners with up to USD100bn turnover & operations in up to 70 countries.
General Secretary, Director and co-founder Pan Asia Risk and Insurance Management Association. A non-profit association for risk and insurance management professionals in Asia. Director and manager of the PARIMA Pte Ltd a wholly-owned subsidiary company, limited by guarantee
Trust and transparency in the provision of insurance services for the SME sector. Launched in Singapore, coming soon in Malaysia the platform provides end to end customer service including claims management and renewals. Blockchain & smart contracts ready to be integrated to provide a massive step change in security, transparency & speed of delivery for insurance solutions globally.
Earth Security links global finance to nature’s capital. Nature is being lost at an exponential rate, and its value is not recognised by global investors. Earth Security exists to address this imbalance. We develop the analysis, opportunities and connections for global finance, NGOs and governments to work together more effectively to bring about change. We develop the links between nature’s capital and investment decision-making, driving worldwide recognition of ecosystems as the ultimate asset class.
When I got the opportunity to join the board of ZeroWaste Singapore I was delighted to volunteer. It already aligns with so many of my interests and I feel I am really making a difference not only in helping to influence the behaviour of companies and organisations in Singapore but also helping in the education of coming generations of Singaporeans to understand the challenges and opportunities in living a more sustainable life.
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